Whether you’ve been seeing Dr. Jenny Liu for her medical weight loss or alternative medicine expertise, all of us could benefit from a little more exercise. Our modern society is more sedentary than ever, with medical journal The Lanceteven calling the state of our exercise levels today an “inactivity epidemic,” responsible for about 10 percent of all deaths worldwide.
Exercise doesn’t just help you keep your weight under control—it can help you reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer; it can boost your immune system and help you live longer; it can lower your stress levels and improve your mood. Though we all need exercise to be happy and healthy, few of us get the amount of exercise we need.
After visiting Dr. Jenny Liu, one of the very best ways to improve your health will be to exercise regularly, and one of the easiest ways to do that is walking. Regardless of your fitness level and age, walking is something just about anyone can do, anytime, anywhere—but you can get a little extra benefit by taking your workout walks to the Great Outdoors.
A Walk on the Wild Side
Did you know that the average American spends about 90 percent of his or her life indoors? Glued to computer screens, smartphones and TVs, many of us may not give much thought each day to the wide world around us—but there are many beautiful parks, preserves and wildlife areas near East Brunswick that will give you a great chance to burn some calories, relax your mind and reconnect with Mother Nature.
An hour hiking can burn up to 600 calories, but it can also reduce stress. Just being outside has been proven to improve your mood, while being surrounded by a tranquil natural environment is sure to help you develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty of our planet. Hiking can invigorate your body, increasing your stamina and energy levels—but it can also invigorate your soul.
Ready to get hiking? Here are a few places near East Brunswick to start with. Just remember: you should always consult with Dr. Jenny Liu to be sure you’re ready for a vigorous workout like hiking before jumping in.
- Sourland Mountain Preserve. Don’t let the name put you off—this is definitely a sweet place to hike. Located just west of East Brunswick in Hillsborough, the park’s 4-mile Ridge Trail may be the best that the 2,600-acre preserve has to offer. This will give you great views of the oak forests, swamps, streams and abundant wildlife, as well as Sourland Mountain itself—a 10-mile volcanic ridge—and the large boulders the area is known for.
- Monmouth Battlefield State Park. This park offers a taste of both nature and American history: the fields and forests of Monmouth were the site of one of the biggest battles in the American Revolution. You can get a great hike in on one of the park’s many trails and learn more about the battle from wayside exhibits, though the visitor’s center is unfortunately closed for renovations. Still, Monmouth is full of history and miles of trails to explore just southeast of East Brunswick.
Every one of us could benefit from having a little more exercise in our lives, but the same can be said of nature. To take advantage of the many benefits that both will have for your health, try checking out one of these nearby parks after treatment with Dr. Jenny Liu!
Have you hiked in one of these parks or others near East Brunswick? Share your experiences, tips and questions with us in the comments below!