Though diet and exercise are crucial during medical weight loss in East Brunswick, a good night’s sleep is often just as important. Think about it: when we feel tired, we often seek out something to give our energy levels a boost, like a latte, a brownie or even a bag of chips—anything to keep us awake with sugar, caffeine or empty calories.
But when you get the right amount of sleep (seven to nine hours nightly for adults), you’ll be better prepared to fight fatigue and stick to a healthy, balanced diet. You’ll feel more energetic each day, ready to tackle the challenges of your job, personal life and medical weight loss program.
Though you may think that this concept justifies a reach for the snooze button each morning, think again. By getting to bed early enough each night, you’ll have enough time to get up in the morning and start your day off with a healthy breakfast and a burst of morning activity. Combined with a good night’s rest, this can help you feel motivated and energized all day long.
As Dr. Liu has likely told you, fitness will be an important part of your life during medical weight loss in East Brunswick. In addition to elevating your mood, regulating your blood pressure, strengthening your bones, improving your flexibility, preventing injuries and boosting your cardiovascular function, working out regularly will help you keep off the weight you lose with your medical weight loss diet.
Though you should stick to any exercise guidelines provided by Dr. Liu, the recommended activity level for most adults is about 150 minutes each week, or two and a half hours. If you’re the late to bed, late to rise type, it may seem inconceivable that this amount of activity could be achieved during your morning routine, but engaging in just a 10-minute workout each morning can help you make your exercise goals a reality.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to run outside to do sprints just after jumping out of bed. There are many convenient ways to get a great morning workout in the comfort of your own home:
- Try a 10 minute exercise tape. There are plenty of DVDs that feature 10 minute routines. You can do 10 minutes of aerobics, kick-boxing or even yoga in the morning with the guidance of an instructor through your television. To make your workout easier in the morning, set up your workout mat, clothing and even a water bottle the night before so all you need to do is wake up and do it.
- Go for a brief walk. Just one lap around your block can be enough to give you a good short workout in the morning. Take a water bottle with you so you can stay hydrated as you get a workout in before breakfast.
- Create your own workout routine. Push-ups, jumping jacks and sit-ups are the old-faithful of any workout routine. Set a timer for ten minutes and do as many of these types of exercises as you can.
Whatever type of workout you do in the morning, make sure that you stretch first and always wear the proper footwear for your workout—even if you are going to be staying indoors.
Medical weight loss in East Brunswick is all about adopting the healthy habits that will help you lose weight and live better. Getting enough sleep is one of those healthy habits, but rising early for exercise can be too. Every day, try to hit the hay a little earlier and get up for a morning sweat session—your hard work will pay off!
What morning exercises have you found useful during medical weight loss in East Brunswick? Share your tips with us in the comments below.