When it comes to working out for medical weight loss, is timing everything?
Have a look around the Internet for the best time of day to work out and you’ll receive as many answers as there are hours in the day. This is a much researched topic, and something that is also highly debated. While you are following a program for medical weight loss in East Brunswick you’ll likely ask yourself the same question, and wonder if working out at a certain point in the day really is ideal for your weight loss efforts.
There are many people who claim that working out first thing in the morning is the best time to get your workout in, and they have a point. When you first wake up you have the whole day in front of you. Fitting in your workout then will ensure that you don’t miss it later on due to unforeseen circumstances.
However, that isn’t practical for everyone. Those who have kids who need to get ready for school, who have to go to work themselves or who have jobs that require early morning hours can’t always fit in an AM jog. This is why there is a second group of people who claim an afternoon workout is ideal. After work and before dinner is a great time to squeeze in a trip to the gym, a jog down the street or a fitness DVD in the den.
But what about those who cook dinner for their families? Or who help with homework before dinner? Or who work late? An evening workout after dinner is great too, according to many researchers. But then there is the group that says a late workout will interfere with your sleeping habits.
So, what is the final word?
The bottom line is that your ideal time for a workout is when it best works for you. The best thing you can do for yourself is to find a time of day that fits your schedule and work out at the same time every day. Your body will adjust and in time it won’t be hard to fit your exercise into your busy day—it may even become a part of your day that you look forward to!
When you work out at the same time every day you set your body’s circadian rhythm to expect exercise at that time of the day. As time goes on you will find yourself more energized in the hour leading to your workout, making it easier to wake up, power through the last hour of work or maintain your energy level to work out after dinner.
Don’t let timing get in the way of your healthy habits. Find a time of day that works for you and get the most out of your exercise routine. Remember, when it comes to working out time is on your side.