This is Jonathan. Prior to becoming a patient of Dr. Liu, I have struggled with weight my entire life and have made at least two attempts with other “weight loss” doctors to lose weight. In one case, the doctor merely put me on medication and nothing else. The other doctor administered the “optifast” program, the same program Dr. Liu uses, however, he was not nearly as comprehensive. With both doctors, however, I can say there was one MAJOR difference: they did not specialize in weight loss. Both doctors were seemingly trying to take advantage of the weight loss boom. They offered very little in substance.
In 2017, I was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. I weighed around 340lbs. My doctor told me to lose weight and exercise, which is really all you can do with liver disease. Unfortunately, I did not heed his advice. In 2019, weighing around 350lbs, I took a fibroscan test, which is a specialized non-evasive liver test designed to diagnose liver disease. The results came back that I had advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis of the liver. Needless to say, this was a mental turning point in my life. I knew I had to reclaim my health immediately. I researched weight loss doctors in my area and found Dr. Liu. Dr. Liu was highly regarded by her patients and administered the Optifast program. I was 301lb on my first visit with Dr. Liu. After analyzing my body composition, bloodwork, medical history and so on, Dr. Liu, created a comprehensive weight loss plan not just consisting of Optifast, but also of medications and supplements that are a “can’t miss.” I am proud that less than 4 months into the program I am 220lbs. I HAVE LOST 80LBS. My metabolic age is 7 years LOWER than my actual age. And most important of all: a recent ultrasound of the liver showed that I have reversed my fatty liver disease. All fat has gone from my liver. Amazing! I feel the best I have ever felt in my life. More energy than I know what to do with! I can’t recommend Dr. Liu enough. Every time I visit her I have to take multiple business cards because everyone is asking me my secret. Well, here it is!!