Is your kitchen temptation-free? When you rummage through your pantry in search of a snack, do you find foods that fit the confines of your weight loss diet, or does something far more detrimental call out to be eaten?
From your medical weight loss center in East Brunswick to the gym just up the street, there are tons of places that may help you lose weight, but one place plays an especially important role in your success: your household. A kitchen full of tempting treats and a couch that pulls you in like a tractor beam can seriously slow your weight loss progress, yet reversing these detrimental at-home factors will play a big part in keeping you motivated.
A healthy home environment can be one of your most useful tools during medical weight loss, making it easier to choose nutritious and healthy options on every occasion. Priming your home for weight loss can inspire you to eat better and exercise more, and doing so is simple. You can start creating an at-home weight loss sanctuary with these two quick tips:
Out with the Bad…
If junk food still lingers in your kitchen, now is the time to say goodbye. You may feel that these foods are harmless given your dedication to medical weight loss, but these are the things most likely to tempt you in a moment of weakness. Don’t give them the chance—get rid of them now, because they’ll do no good for your efforts to live a healthy life.
Of course, we don’t all live alone—your spouse, children or roommates may protest if they don’t share the same weight loss aspirations. Tell them that these foods don’t have to be done away with entirely, but should be kept far out of sight to keep them out of your mind. Though you should understand that not everyone is as committed to your goal of healthy living, they should understand that having these treats around can be a serious detriment to your diet.
…In with the Good
Now that you’ve made some room, it’s time to fill the empty space with the foods that keep you focused on weight loss success. For those on a full meal replacement diet, this means your OPTIFAST products, but others may also be able to include fresh fruits, veggies, lean proteins and whole grains—the doctor-recommended items that will keep your diet nutritionally-sound as you lose weight.
Of course, your kitchen isn’t the only room of the house that can be optimized for medical weight loss. You can also make your home an easier place to exercise by setting up a room dedicated to fitness. This can be accomplished by converting a spare room to an at-home gym, but you can also try keeping barbells, resistance bands, yoga mats, workout DVDs and other simple workout gear by your couch, computer or TV to squeeze in a bit of exercise in your downtime. Such gear can make a great plan B when you’re unable to make it to the gym.
These steps can go a long way in helping you ready your home for weight loss, but you can certainly take things further. How have you made your house the ideal place for medical weight loss? Tell us in the comments below!