Though we’ve already told you how beneficial friends can be as you lose weight in East Brunswick, you may still be wondering how best to take advantage of your weight loss support system. Friends and family members can fill many helpful roles as you lose weight, giving you a patient ear to talk to or helping hand when you need it most, but one ally in particular can be a huge help in reaching your goals: a fitness partner.
Exercising with others can help you take your workout to a whole new level, providing many benefits that you may be missing out on in your solo routine. An exercise partner can help out by:
- Keeping you accountable. We all have those days where we just feel like skipping out on exercise, but the encouraging words of your workout buddy may quickly change your mind. We’re more likely to stick to our commitments if we make plans with someone else, bringing a new level of accountability to every session.
- Competing with you. Having someone else along for the ride can make for some friendly competition, helping each of you push harder and faster. As you try to keep up with your buddy, the challenge can make your exercise more efficient and exciting.
- Socializing with you. Many people seem fine with slogging through a treadmill session with no company but their headphones—for others, this can feel like a serious drag. Having a friend along can make the whole exercise session fly by faster, as you’ll be able to turn to each other for companionship while you burn calories.
The benefits of a workout buddy are clear and many. Unfortunately, not everyone will make the perfect partner for you. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when searching for the ideal workout buddy:
- Are our fitness needs similar? You may learn a lot from training with an Olympic track star, but the gap between you will make it hard to get anything done together. While it’s true that a slightly more athletic fitness partner can help you push harder and learn more techniques, it’s best to team up with someone like you to make your partnership worthwhile.
- Are our schedules flexible? To exercise together, you’ll need to have schedules that work with one another’s. Be sure that your potential buddy will be able to make it to workouts without flaking or showing up late. Just remember: unexpected things do happen, so don’t write off a buddy completely for one scheduling transgression.
- Will this person keep me on track? Our nearest and dearest don’t always make the best workout partners—they may not be willing or able to call us out when we aren’t trying our hardest. Find a buddy who’s friendly but doesn’t mind telling you to pick up the pace in an encouraging way.
Workout partners can be invaluable tools as you lose weight in East Brunswick, helping you push every exercise session to new heights. What other qualities are important in an exercise buddy? Tell us in the comments below.